diego – ACRAA Brazil https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win Mais Verde Menos Quente Tue, 30 May 2023 00:19:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.10 Munduruku Indigenous Schools – Planalto Santareno https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/8718-escolas-indigena-munduruku-planalto-santareno-diego Thu, 11 May 2023 13:05:29 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=8718 Read more




In 2023, we were able to start expanding the “ACRAA at School” project, taking environmental education activities to four  Munduruku indigenous communities, these located on the Planalto Santareno (Santarém Plateau), in the Baixo Tapajós region.

The first activities were carried out in the indigenous community of Açaizal, in partnership with FUNAI. Here we gave lectures to students and teachers at the Wapurum-Tip Indigenous School, where we addressed  issues related to environmental conservation, and solutions to minimize problems associated with of garbage and water quality.

We also started the planting of an agroforestry system within the school limits, where what is sought is the production of food and products derived from the forest to complement school lunches – and also generate income so that the school can offer better quality education to its students. 

In 2023 we intend to carry out more environmental education activities, construct a plant nursery , and continue with the planting of a small agroforestry system.

The other three indigenous schools at which carried out environmental education activities were: the Santa Helena School (Amparador community); the Jose Arlindo Betcel School (Ipaupixuna community); and the São Francisco School (Palhão community).

We need your help to continue carrying out these and other activities!


Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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CEMEI Borari School https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/7447-educacao-ambiental-3 Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:42:46 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=7447 Read more



CEMEI Borari

The ACRAA at School project commenced at the CEMEI Borari School [1] in Alter do Chão at the beginning of the 2022 school year.

Here we planted trees inside and outside the educational center to ease the heat, which will transform the school space into a more wooded and cooler environment. The pre-school children participated in the activities, helping with the planting of trees.

[1] Municipal Center for Indigenous Early Childhood Education – Professor Marilda Vasconcelos Soares Borari.

We also held lectures with the CEMEI students and teachers, with the theme of environmental awareness and the importance of children in the process of environmental education of thier parents.

In March 2023 we started building a raised bed for growing vegetables for the student’s lunches, and for medicinal plants. Lectures and monthly activities will soon be held here with children from the educational center and their teachers.

In April of 2023 an initial activity was carried out with the preschool children in the form of a practical class on seed germination. Here they planted vegetable seeds in tubes, these will be used in the school lunches in the future.

   We need your help to continue carrying out these and other activities!


Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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Borari Indigenous School https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/7440-educacao-ambiental-2 Sat, 15 Apr 2023 17:30:49 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=7440 Read more




The “ACRAA at School” project began at the Borari Indigenous Elementary School [1] in Alter do Chão in April of 2022 with revitalization of the school nursery. This nursery was sitting unused at this time and in a bad state of repair. 

[1] Professor Antônio de Sousa Pedroso Municipal Elementary School.

In August 2022 the project began with lectures and practical classes, working on issues related to environmental education through the school garden theme. Several topics were covered in the form of workshops with three 5th grade classes, each class with an average of 16 students.

At the Borari Indigenous School, the “ACRAA at School” project takes place in partnership with the Notório Saber Project, which sets up schedules for workshops and practical activities that take place throughout the semester. A teacher at the school monitors the project activities, with the aim to involve the school community more in actions promoted by ACRAA. 

During 2022 the workshops were carried out on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, according to the availability of classes in relation to the available times. We started with topics related to the cultivation of vegetables, and medicinal and ornamental plants. Also covered were site selection, soil preparation, seed germination, types of plants and fertilizers, transplanting and pruning of seedlings, and choice of medicinal plants. The year ended with a planting practice for reforestation.

In February of 2023 we completed an expansion of the school nursery. We also enclosed the area with a fence and gate, this to protect the cultivated plants from curious fingers when lessons were not occuring there.

ACRAA, under Katiane’s leadership, began delivering workshops at the school again in April of 2023.

Among other actions planned for the year 2023, in addition to the activities carried out last year, seedlings will be cultivated and donated to students, teachers and guardians – integrating the community into the process. In addition, vegetables produced by the children will be used in the school lunch program. In the future informative booklets on medicinal plants will be developed, combining traditional and scientific knowledge, to be distributed to teachers and students.

In April of 2023 seeds of a local native tree were also germinated, these the students are now growing into seedlings for ACRAA’s reforestation actions in the riparian forests of the Ilha do Amor.

We need your help to continue carrying out these and other activities!


Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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Ecological Restoration https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/6157-restauracao-ecologica Tue, 11 Apr 2023 17:57:23 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=6157 Read more



Ecological Restoration includes reforestation and other types of work to restore native ecosystems, such as our beach restoration work and the restoration of riparian vegetation along creeks and around wetlands. In ecological restoration only native plants ecologically suited to the site are used, with the seed sourced from the site itself or nearby similar sites if possible.

Most of our active ecological restoration work is at present concentrated around Alter do Chão (Pará, Brazil). This work started in February of 2020 with the collection of native seeds from trees and shrubs suitable for planting in high value but degraded ecosystems of the area, this being the beaches surrounding this village.

And since then we have continued the work of collecting native seeds from these beaches and growing these into seedlings in our nursery.

Throughout 2022 and now into 2023, and using the plants produced from these seeds, we have implemented a number of planting projects where we have planted hundreds of native trees in this area.

We started this restoration work on the region’s postcard, The Ilha do Amor, a world famous beach that is threatened by soil (sand) erosion and loss of tree cover. 

And we have already extended our ecological restoration to other locations in the lower Tapajós region and intend to plant thousands more trees in the coming years.

Learn more about this work on our Project pages – click here. 



Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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Environmental Education https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/6793-educacao-ambiental Tue, 11 Apr 2023 17:57:04 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=6793 Read more



We see environmental education as one of the fundamental pillars for building a social and economic system that is sustainable and in harmony with the environment.

Studying the environment we live in is not an isolated factor, environmental education also reaches socioeconomic, political, cultural and historical problems through the direct or indirect interaction of these fields with the environment. The planning of an environmentally conscious education is focused on the environmental responsibility of each person, being able to achieve behavioral changes in students making them influential and active in the defense of the environment.

In this context, ACRAA created the “ACRAA at School” program, with the aim of promoting and stimulating environmental awareness among students in kindergarten and basic education, with priority given to indigenous schools in the Baixo Tapajós region.

We already have projects under development in two indigenous schools of the Borari ethnic group (in Alter do Chão) and we are carrying our first actions together with another four indigenous schools of the Mundukuru ethnic group (in Planoalto Santareno), all within the lower Tapajos region. The schools that we have been developing projects with for the longest time are both in Alter do Chão, these are:

The Borari Indigenous School Professor Antônio de Sousa Pedroso (Municipal Elementary School) which serves students from 1st to 9th grade and the Youth and Adult Education modality, and the …

CEMEI Borari Municipal Center for Indigenous Child Education – Professor Marilda Vasconcelos Soares Borari, which is an indigenous educational center that serves children in early childhood education (Preschool).

The activities carried out in schools are developed in order to reconcile theory and practice regarding environmental issues, whether these are local or global. Theory allied to contact with natural resources are of great importance in the teaching-learning process with regards to environmental awareness.



Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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Sustainability https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/6994-sustentabilidade Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:14:26 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=6994 Read more



Our Sustaniability projects are projects that promote and advance sustainable forest and agroforestry based development in the Amazon.

These are projects were the goal is to assist families and communities to acheive prosperous and sustainable economies – these being economies where thier quality of life is measurably improved, while at the same time their natural environment is protected and restored for future generations. 

Our Agroforestry Development work is included here, where we donate agroforestry seedlings to land owners in Alter do Chão and comminities in the surrounding region.

But more broadly this also includes our integrated community sustainable development work – such as our recently commenced project in partnership with several indigenous communities in the Planalto area (see projects). Here the approach will be comprehensive, integrating Agroforestry Development with elements of Ecological Restoration and, working with these communities,  a strong Environmental Education program in their schools. This is seen as important, as sustainable development in the Amazon must integrate these factors.  



Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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Right to Data Privacy https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/6685-direito-a-privacidade-de-dados Sun, 05 Mar 2023 21:48:04 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=6685


   Este espaço é dedicado à proteção dos dados dos usuários da nossa página. Ao realizar o preenchimento dos dados abaixo, você poderá solicitar os seus dados pessoais que por ventura estejam sobe o domínio do ACRAA. É possível requisitar a correção de dados incompletos, errados ou desatualizados. Também é possível a eliminação de um ou mais dados do nosso banco de contatos. Nós cuidamos dos seus dados e dos  seus direitos.

Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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PRIVACY AND DATA USE POLICY https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/6615-politicas-de-privacidade Thu, 02 Mar 2023 21:46:51 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=6615 Read more



This site is the sole and exclusive property of ACRAA – Alter do Chão Center for Reforestation and Agroforestry in the Amazon. ACRAA’s institutional website available at www.acraabrazil.org and its sub-pages, headquartered in the city of Santarém-PA, Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n, Carauari neighborhood, Alter do Chão, registered with CNPJ under nº 50.161.510 /0001-19.

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Rua Everaldo Martins, s/n., Bairro Carauari, Alter do Chão, Santarém-PA, CEP 68109-000.


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ACRAA at School https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/p/4078-acraa-na-escola Wed, 04 May 2022 15:25:51 +0000 https://instance-0-40003.edit.ahost.win/?p=4078 Read more


ACRAA at School Project

Project Status: Work with Borari schools in Alter do Chão commenced in April 2022. Ongoing.

In order to encourage environmental education, we created the ACRAA at School project, which takes activities related to environmental conservation to basic and early childhood education. 

We believe that the education of young people is essential for building a sustainable future and that there is a ripple effect when children take the knowledge acquired at school to their communities, reaching a greater number of people. 

According to the Brazilian National Environmental Education Policy, Law nº 9795/1999, Art 1:

“Environmental education is understood as the processes through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences aimed at conservation of the environment, a good for common use by the people, essential to a healthy quality of life and its sustainability.” 

In this sense, ACRAA has been carrying out activities with the existing preschool and elementary schools in the village of Alter do Chão, where ACRAA’s headquarters are located. 

The region of Alter do Chão is originally inhabited by the indigenous Borari ethnic group. The schools that ACRAA has been carrying out its activities are schools that are under Borari indigenous coordination.

We have projects in progress at two of these schools, one the Borari Escola Professor Antônio de Sousa Pedroso, and the other the Municipal Center for Indigenous Child Education – Professor Marilda Vasconcelos Soares Borari (refered to here as Escola CEMEI Borari). 

Together with both these schools we are carrying out tree planting around the schools, and the construction of small plant nurseries at each school [1]. In these nurseries, planting beds have/will be built for seedlings of native trees destined for reforestation, and for vegetables and medicinal plants. 

We seek to create the possibility for students to contribute to the food that will be served in their school lunches (provided at the schools), and to rescue and reaffirm the ancestral knowledge of natural medicine of the native peoples. 

In addition to work at the schools, practical classes will be held at the ACRAA nursery where students from these institutions will be able to learn step by step the process of handling plants in a nursery. Excursions will also be made to nearby areas to carry out reforestation/restoration activities in degraded areas, and for urban tree planting.

To learn more about the work at each of these schools, click the links below.

Borari Escola Professor Antônio de Sousa Pedroso

Escola CEMEI Borari

But for ACRAA to continue developing and carrying out this and other projects, we need your help. Please click on the “Donate” link above. Any amount donated will be important to our continued work in defense of the Amazon forest and the peoples. Thank you! 

[1] In May 2022 we completed the restoration of a small nursery and the construction of planting beds at one of the schools – the Borari Escola Professor Antônio de Sousa Pedroso. Follow link above to for details.
