Category Archives: home-posts

ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION Ecological Restoration includes reforestation and other types of work to restore native ecosystems, such as our beach restoration work and the restoration of riparian vegetation along creeks and around wetlands. In ecological restoration only native plants ecologically suited to the site are used, with the seed sourced from the site itself or nearby similar sites if possible. Most of our active ecological restoration work is at present concentrated around Alter do Chão (Pará, Brazil). This work started in February of 2020 with the collection of native seeds from trees and shrubs suitable for planting in high value but degraded ecosystems of the area, this being the beaches surrounding this village. And since then we have continued the work of collecting native seeds from these beaches and growing these into seedlings in our nursery. Throughout 2022 and now into 2023, and using the plants produced from these seeds, we…

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ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION We see environmental education as one of the fundamental pillars for building a social and economic system that is sustainable and in harmony with the environment. Studying the environment we live in is not an isolated factor, environmental education also reaches socioeconomic, political, cultural and historical problems through the direct or indirect interaction of these fields with the environment. The planning of an environmentally conscious education is focused on the environmental responsibility of each person, being able to achieve behavioral changes in students making them influential and active in the defense of the environment. In this context, ACRAA created the “ACRAA at School” program, with the aim of promoting and stimulating environmental awareness among students in kindergarten and basic education, with priority given to indigenous schools in the Baixo Tapajós region. We already have projects under development in two indigenous schools of the Borari ethnic group (in Alter…

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SUSTAINABILITY Our Sustaniability projects are projects that promote and advance sustainable forest and agroforestry based development in the Amazon. These are projects were the goal is to assist families and communities to acheive prosperous and sustainable economies – these being economies where thier quality of life is measurably improved, while at the same time their natural environment is protected and restored for future generations.  Our Agroforestry Development work is included here, where we donate agroforestry seedlings to land owners in Alter do Chão and comminities in the surrounding region. But more broadly this also includes our integrated community sustainable development work – such as our recently commenced project in partnership with several indigenous communities in the Planalto area (see projects). Here the approach will be comprehensive, integrating Agroforestry Development with elements of Ecological Restoration and, working with these communities,  a strong Environmental Education program in their schools. This is seen…

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pt_BRPortuguês do Brasil