Tag Archives: sustent

SUSTAINABILITY Our Sustaniability projects are projects that promote and advance sustainable forest and agroforestry based development in the Amazon. These are projects were the goal is to assist families and communities to acheive prosperous and sustainable economies – these being economies where thier quality of life is measurably improved, while at the same time their natural environment is protected and restored for future generations.  Our Agroforestry Development work is included here, where we donate agroforestry seedlings to land owners in Alter do Chão and comminities in the surrounding region. But more broadly this also includes our integrated community sustainable development work – such as our recently commenced project in partnership with several indigenous communities in the Planalto area (see projects). Here the approach will be comprehensive, integrating Agroforestry Development with elements of Ecological Restoration and, working with these communities,  a strong Environmental Education program in their schools. This is seen…

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