Tag Archives: IDA

The Ilha do Amor Our Ecological Restoration work on the Ilha do Amor – the Island of love – is into it’s second year now. Throughout this period we have been working very closely with Neca Borari, chief of the indigenous Borari comminity in Alter do Chão – she has been an incredible help and is passionate about this project. [1] Our intent is continue with this work for years to come, planting trees on an annual basis during the period November to January – this when the river level is low. Until now we have planted only one species, this a tree comonly known as Cumandá. All the seedlings we have planted were very large, some 3 meters in height or more. Planting very large stock is seen as important here, due to heavy tourist traffic in this area. We have also successfully propagated the seeds of more than…

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